About Us

Woodbury Rotary is Making a Difference


Participating in Woodbury Days, Adopt-a-Highway, and sponsoring Greg Orth Memorial scholarships for the High Schools and ALC of ISD 833. Our Rotary Centennial project raised $40,000 to build and install the Fishing Pier at Powers Lake, site of the Annual Children’s Fishing Clinic. Raised $235,000 to build the Jeff Hanson Miracle League Field.


Through its Polio Plus Fund, Rotary International and its partners, including WHO and UNICEF, has provided over US $500 million since 1985 for efforts to eradicate polio across the world. Our local Rotary Club of Woodbury has collected, packed and shipped books to Africa, medical supplies to Uganda and Guatemala, and contributed funding to water wells, schools and hospitals in Jinja, Uganda and drill water wells in Nigeria and Kenya.


Sponsored visits to members’ businesses and work sites, organized a visit to the Strategic Air Command via the Air National Guard, to re-fuel B-52 Bombers and visit an Air Flight Simulator. Hosted exchange students from 9 countries, and sponsored 3 local teens as outbound students to Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines.


Actively provide members to serve on District committees, with two past District Governors currently members. Consistently provide Paul Harris Fellows to Rotary International, with 13 active members recognized. Sponsored clubs in River Falls, WI and Lake Elmo, MN.


This league is designed specifically for youth age 3-18 with cognitive and/or physical challenges. It will provide an opportunity to play baseball as a team member on an integrated team, on a specially designed field at the Bielenberg Sports Center Complex. This league will also provide a volunteer buddy, as needed.

Everyone hits, everyone gets on base, and everyone crosses home plate! EVERYONE has fun!